Wendy Goudie


Oct 27 at 12:16 PM

Coming up this November 2022 - What to look forward to!

Mat Yoga - Standing Strong Series #2, 3– 1 hr each

Gentle Yoga - Strength & Support Core - 1 hr

Gentle Yoga - Low Back & Hip Release – 1 hr

Dance - Belly Dance Breakdown – 45min

Fit Funky Flexible - Adrenaline Arms - 1hr

I have a list like this for every month up to April... BUT I love to change things up! So....what do YOU want?

Comment below with titles, topics, lengths, preferences, and any and all suggestions... I want to create what YOU enjoy most (or know you need the most...lol). ;)



Oct 02 at 01:41 PM

Chey and I made our own deodorants today - so easy!

  • 1/4 cup cornstarch and/or arrowroot power - as you prefer

  • 1 tbs of baking soda

  • 10-15 drops of choice essential oil

    (I mixed tea tree and sweet basil. Chey used rose oil)

  • stir and mix

  • add 3 table spoons coconut oil, smash up with a fork, it'll go from crumbly to dough like

  • put in a glass jar and use a pea size amount

    Will keep for up to six months - we love it!


Sep 27 at 12:21 PM

For health class today, Cheysa needed to follow along one of the gentle yoga videos and write down five things that she learned.

This is the report that was returned to me...lol

She rated me 4.5 stars and gave cuddling with Wiley 5...lol


Sep 26 at 09:07 PM

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There are over 50 jars of beet, carrot and traditional kraut fizzing away in the kitchen! Spicy carrot hot sauces, fiery green bean kimchi ... fenugreek and ginger veggies...carrot curry sauces...it's been a lot of fun!

Brave and Coconut are so happy to come on as clean up crew and eat my veggie spills....lol

Thanks to miss Raina, my ferment mentor!!

Are you doing any winter food prep? Have you in past years?


Sep 23 at 03:30 PM

This was too funny not to post...

The storm is currently a Category 4 (430pm Friday) and will be a Category 2 when it reaches our province (on the other end - far away from us).

It was a total circus catching the baby ducks with an angry mom this afternoon. No one was happy about being put in carriers in the middle of the day...lol. We didn't want to risk possibly having to do it in the rain or having the ducks decide to stay on the pond and not come back when called. So they've had a day to cuddle. :)

Have a great weekend!



Sep 22 at 08:13 PM

Well, I think we are ready? We are in the light pink almost-a-circle shape...lol

As long as Fiona stays on her current track, we will have a lot of wind and rain, but be just fine. From all the discussions with locals more experienced than us - everyone is expecting no power for a few days. I guess we just wait and see!

We've packed everything under the deck nice and tight, we are stocked with wood, water, food and candles, enclosures and tarps are ready for the ducks - we are bringing them inside tomorrow evening until things settle down.

There are videos in the cue for editing... I hope to get them up as soon as possible after the weekend. :)

It's already raining hard and blowing!!


Sep 06 at 04:58 PM

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As we enter our third year of homeschooling, Cheysa is a big part of planning her year and her schedule. It's neat to see her tell us what she wants to do and how frequently, especially when it's topics or activities we didn't know she was interested in. It's going to be a great year!!



Sep 05 at 07:25 PM

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I've had a huge coffee and am ready to go!! This little one was abandoned by Lucy, the mom. 😥We tried to reconnect them, but she kept leaving it behind. Definitely the runt of the clutch so we've been syringe watering, it nibbled on some duckling food, it's drinking on its own now and pooping😜. We'll see if we can get it through the night. I found it early this morning stumbling down the path in the woods by itself, falling over, clearly dehydrated. It's been 12 hours so far and it seems to be doing better than it was. I'll update in the morning!



Sep 01 at 08:35 AM

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The animals were up and fed and taking care of by 7:00 a.m today! I picked myself a fantastic salad from the garden and headed out on the canoe with a turmeric latte and a Dharma book. Starting the day with such peaceful, calm really sets me up. How do you gently start day? What's a beautiful morning for you?



Aug 01 at 06:52 AM

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It's blueberry season here in Nova Scotia! Wylee, Coconut and Brave couldn't be happier....