Wendy Goudie

Mar 27 at 02:14 PM

SO glad you liked it! More like this coming. ;)

Commented on post was deleted

Feb 07 at 08:53 PM

Early Feb - Check in time! I am minus 2 inches on my hips, lower abs and waist.   4 inches off my bust, 1 off each thigh and each upper arm.  Hip pain still a 1,  neck pain is a 3.  I'm feeling WAY stronger, much more stable, springy - generally WAY better.  Excited for the March check in - I'll do new photos for that one.   I hope you are all doing great on the Guide To Your Goals program as well!

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Jan 13 at 05:14 PM

Jan 13th UPDATE -  my hip pain is down to a 1 - sometimes.  Just a little hitch every once in while.  I've solved the neck challenge - it's coming from my shoulder blade and I've got it down to a 3.  It's stubborn and going to take time - but now that I've sorted it out and am working on it.    It's tight and sore, which is a big step up from painful. :) It'll be fixed up in no time! It's from too much sitting at the desk...   Teaching live on line and editing - that's 100% the culprit.   So I'm figuring out ways to get up and move every hour. I'm working out, doing yoga and dancing up a storm - so I'm on track. :)

Jan 02 at 01:16 PM

The baseline video will go up JAN 3. I've got all the exercises demonstrated, for chair yoga to fit funky folks. You can collect all the data for the Guide To Your Goals Workbook with that video! Enjoy all the initial planning and revising until then!

Nov 12 at 05:19 PM

Yes - they have been requested a few times. I've gone back and got the lesson plan from the top viewed original classes and will be re filming them to upload! Of course, new ones too. ;) This spring will also be the Yoga Fore Golf Series. <3

Replied on Fiona Update

Sep 26 at 08:56 PM

Totally ok! The other end of the province....not much. It was a fierce storm.
She worked so hard on that....lol She said her hand was cramping up! She felt bad her and John were away camping on your b-day. You are super loved!!

Sep 06 at 12:05 PM

Well, just before the 4am feeding, little one didn't make it. Mama duck knew <3. I believe we have to try, and at least give it a shot. You never know. At least it was calm & warm. <3

Sep 05 at 07:18 PM

Turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, pepper, fennel...all boiled then strained into a tea, add molasses, honey and whatever milk you use. So good!

Aug 01 at 05:43 PM

Glad you had a support rabbit to get you through your yoga session!