Nancy Williams

Mar 21 at 06:00 AM


Mar 18 at 06:56 AM

Done.   Also 3 minutes on bolster with arm movment

Mar 16 at 07:48 AM

Did this one after arms today.  I’ve moved it all off the bed onto living room floor

Mar 16 at 07:36 AM

Did this on the bolster again.  I’ll watch for your answer from yesterdays question.

Mar 15 at 07:06 AM

Now I’m off the bed and doing these on the mat.

Mar 15 at 06:55 AM

I did this lying on my bolster for the chest opening, that was fine until you said your back should be doing nothing.  My back was balancing to stay on the bolster.  What do you think?  I thought this would be good for the chest opening and tight shoulders?

Mar 14 at 06:40 AM

Thanks Wendy!

Mar 12 at 05:58 AM

Feels so good on the low back

Mar 11 at 08:32 AM

Cheysa doing her art, and me exercises this morning!

Mar 10 at 05:15 AM
