Nancy Williams

Dec 13 at 04:57 AM

First off challenge.  Enjoyed

Dec 12 at 08:42 AM

Enjoyed that video!

Dec 12 at 08:39 AM

Such a cute wee tongue!

Dec 09 at 10:40 AM

Again, super class.  No lower back discomfort what so ever!

Sep 29 at 08:17 AM

Interesting today. Noticed trouble focusing and pain in shoulders and writs. Probably stress from dads hospital stay.

Commented on Circular Hips

Aug 01 at 11:41 AM

Great Work out! Good choice of music, although I found it a little loud. It over rides your voice in places. Will definitely do this class again.

Jul 26 at 10:19 AM

Good class!

Commented on Long Leg Stretch

Jun 13 at 10:28 AM

Great Class Wendy! Surprised at how tight my left side was. Felt so good afterwards.

Commented on Lower Back Soother

Jun 06 at 08:11 AM

Good class!

May 23 at 07:53 AM

Repeated May 23/23. This time it was a wonderful relaxing process. Not so much work. Interesting