

Sep 09 at 03:14 PM

Wylee is a good yoga helper



Sep 09 at 03:12 PM


I'm at this "certain age"


Aug 01 at 12:55 PM

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I have a minor back injury so I was groaning during today's morning yoga. Our rescue rabbit Wylee immediately hopped over to comfort me. He gave me bunny kisses (little licks) from head to toe to ensure I was ok. Thanks Wylee.



Jul 06 at 02:50 PM

Rita Evelyn (Marks) Rankin – Florence, Cape Breton

It is with mixed sadness and astonishment (we thought she would live forever) that we announce the death of our 99-year-old mother and grandmother, Rita Evelyn (Marks) Rankin.  Nanny loved to read a ‘good obituary’ so here we go…

Nanny passed away peacefully on the evening of July 1st, 2022, not surprisingly before the fireworks, as they were always scheduled ‘much too late for her’.  Nanny Rankin was born in Newfoundland a century ago and as a toddler remembered crossing the Cabot Strait aboard a ship. Since it was almost 100 years ago, we assume the ship was probably sailed by Cabot himself.

Nanny Rankin was the daughter of William and Loretta Marks (NFLD).  Evelyn decided to marry Ernest Earl Rankin (Pictou County) in 1943, after meeting him while he was stationed in Sydney Mines during the war. To convince his protective, future mother-in-law that the nuptials were a good idea, Earl presented Loretta, not Evelyn, with flowers and the rest is history.

They spent 50 delightful years together until he died in 1994. Poppy’s death was a heartbreaking loss for Nanny, but she did not hesitate to point out that it was very poorly timed as it regrettably coincided with her seasonal ‘housecleaning’. She eventually and thankfully forgave him for his inconvenient departure while the step ladder and her cleaning equipment were in the middle of the kitchen! After 28 years apart, we know he was happy to see her on Friday, and we suspect he greeted her with ‘It’s about time Eve!!’.

Nanny was fortunate to have fourteen siblings. Mary (Tom), Douglas, Sam (Detta), Russell (Vinnie), Bill (Helen), Chesley (Edna), Eliza (Mickey), Alex (Florence), Bertha (Arnold), George (Eleanor), Walter (Marty), Lionel (Ivy) and Gertrude (Charlie). 

Only one sibling remains today, her beloved sister and partner in cottage fun, Mrs. Edith Dicks (our wonderful Aunt Edie). Nanny Rankin was delighted to watch her numerous nieces and nephews grow and flourish with families of their own.  Nanny spent a great deal of time with her niece Christina, as they shared a love of the outdoors and cottage life.

Nanny Rankin had two children Sandra Boutilier (Alex) and Brenda Devoe (d. Adrian).  Her sons-in-law lovingly called her ‘Colonel’ because as she would so often remind them there was always ‘lots to do at the cottage’. 

Nanny had six grandchildren, Angela (Grahame), Earl (Alice), Connie, Allan (Sheila), Addie, and Benjamin (Jacklyn).  She made us all feel loved and cherished. The only thing in this world she loved more than her grandchildren were her great grandchildren Kenny, Brooklynn, Arlo, Lily, Rory, Sam, Georgia and Brayden. Nanny theorized that this generation was both smarter and cuter than their predecessors. Her quirky genetics theories remain untested but appear true as the great grandkids are all very cute.

NFLD born and Cape Breton raised meant that Nanny could literally do ANYTHING!!  If you needed an amazing meal or a pie, she could do it. Needed a floor refinished, she could do it. Needed to make Poppy wild with frequent wall papering plans, she could definitely do that.  Needed to bring a semi-frozen hamster back from the brink before the grandchildren found out – give her a cookie sheet, a tea towel, a preheated oven and with the skill of a ‘questionable veterinarian’, she could do that too!

Nanny lived her life in Florence but spent summers in Middle River. She loved to fish and did so into her 90s.  Nothing was better than finding the perfect, coveted fishing ‘hole’ along the river. Fishing licenses were considered optional as she planned to tell the fishing wardens that she ‘didn’t really catch much at her age’. We will neither confirm nor deny this claim.

Her innate generosity, devotion and kindness toward family and friends will be a lasting memory. We will also always remember her determination to make ‘night lunch’ a universal meal category. 

A sincere thank you to the team at Taigh Solas, who affectionately took care of our precious family matriarch over the past few years. Thank you to Dr. D. Kohlsmith, Dr. J. Salah and Northside Homemakers for their care and dedication.

You are invited to join the family as we celebrate Evelyn on Saturday, July 9, 2022, from 11am – 12 pm. In J. M. Jobes Funeral Home, Sydney Mines. A memorial prayer service will be held in the funeral home at 12 pm.

In lieu of donations, please generously give a child some ‘ice cream money’ in her memory. It was one of her favorite things to do.

We love you Nanny Rankin!!!!

Words of comfort may be forwarded to her family at


Jul 03 at 01:16 PM

Prior to the Covid 19 shutdowns, the Sparkle Dancers performed over 125 shows a year at community events throughout Western Canada. To see highlights of our Canada Day performances from 2009-2018, click this link:

We are also excited to share the performances of our new Sparkle Dance Team in Nova Scotia!


Jun 21 at 08:46 PM

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Feeling blessed :) Mother Nature presented us with a stunning display tonight. First, there was a double rainbow over our house. Then, there was a gorgeous sunset over the pond. Click the main photo to see more photos.



Jun 20 at 01:41 PM

One of favourite things to watch are Drybar Comedy Specials. We love watching Drybar comedians because their jokes are clean, hilarious and family-friendly. One of our favourite Drybar comedians is Leanne Morgan. Be prepared to belly laugh as you listen to her hilarious stories about motherhood, her mean daughters, her yummy husband and her catapult panties. Click the link below to watch Leanne Morgan:


Jun 20 at 12:42 PM

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We would love to see your Spring garden photos from across Canada and abroad. Please share!

Our flowers are blooming at the Sparkle Life Retreat Centre! This Spring, we are busy planting our gardens, building fences and clearing trails. Next Spring, I'm planning to start building guest cabins so we can host our yoga, dance and fitness retreats for Sparkle Life Members. I'll keep you updated about our progress on this page. Also, be sure to follow the adventures of our Rescue Animals on SparkleLife*TV:


Jun 17 at 08:50 PM

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Thank you Celeste for sending us these beautiful photos and your wonderful testimonial. We are so happy you that you enjoy our online classes and you are continuing to stay healthy and deal with your health challenges with our online programs. We're excited for you to visit us in Nova Scotia this summer!


I met Wendy and John almost 12 years ago at Get Bent Yoga in Penticton, BC. Originally I began with their monthly group in person yoga classes. Yoga has been such a crucial part of my healing and strength regime. From checking the blind spots in the car, allowing my neck to move much more smoothly, to doing the dishes and laundry while standing sideways and preventing healing spots from touching hard surfaces. The yoga and dancing has given me the much needed flexibility to do my part in a gentle yet successful manner.

To this day, I am fortunate to still participate online, in home daily with their Sparkle Live * TV program for folks 50 plus/seniors. Providing me with some yoga, stretching, breathwork, light weights and free dance styles. Utilizing my gentle modified versions, encompassing my abilities while celebrating my continued movements and breaths each day.

Having the canes, walkers yoga blocks, straps etc. allows me to adjust and modify all the positions so that I can get into my version of many of these positions. I gain the benefit from moving into the slightly varied points. All are abled, we are all unique.

Wendy shares the true essence of the healing ability within the power of yoga, love, passion, flexibility, time, everything desired and wanted. I am grateful for the friendship, working and healing relationship. The family, hubby John and their daughter Cheysa offer support, family yoga time, website expertise, photography and their point of views. Rounding out the family dynamic and views to celebrate their newfound home in NS for their company love and business.

Each year my abilities may have changed, but the desire has always been there. Wendy has always offered me the support and understanding that goes hand in hand within the context of yogi teachings and healing modalities. I have struggled heath wise with conditions that have contributed to migraines, stiff muscles, digestive issues, leading more recently to mobility issues, memory loss and balance issues. The neuropathies, neuralgias, chronic and acute pain, chronic fatique have made each day more of a challenge but I push through, and I am grateful that Wendy and her family have offered the yoga, dancing, workouts and encouragement online for me to access at my time, day or night - whenever I choose and have the desire to get moving for the day. 

From my heart and soul to yours Wendy and family. I am forever grateful. You keep me moving every day. Namaste.


Jun 13 at 11:22 PM

Welcome to the Sparkle Life Community! This is your place to socialize, celebrate your success, post photos, ask questions and share your experiences together. Feel free to share anything other members will enjoy including:

  • photos of your pets, gardens and crafts

  • your favourite books, movies and recipes

  • your personal stories, struggles and testimonials

  • tips on how to stay healthy and motivated

  • encouragement and support for other members

  • funny and clean jokes about yoga, dance, fitness and aging

It's easy to make a post and share photos - just click the Write Post button in the top corner. Be sure to check this page regularly because this is where we will post our latest news and updates. We look forward to connecting with everyone in the Sparkle Life Community.


Also, be sure to check out the Entertainment section in the Community menu at the top of the screen. Our Entertainment page features our favourite websites that provide free movies, health documentaries and clean comedy for you to enjoy.